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Certificat SSL Globe Standard Multi-Domain SSL (DV)

Certificat SSL Globe Standard Multi-Domain SSL (DV)

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Certificat SSL Globe Standard Multi-Domain SSL (DV)

If you need a quick way to secure multiple domains on a single SSL certificate, then the Globe Standard Multi Domain SSL is the cert for you. This certificate can secure up to 100 total domains and is typically issued in mere minutes, once domain ownership is verified.

As an entry-level Domain Validated (DV) option, the Globe Standard Multi Domain SSL is an excellent option for start-up eCommerce sites and other small businesses looking for a little boost with regards to encryption and sales.

SAN Information
minimum 3 SAN’s, price per SAN
100 Maximum additional SAN’s

About Globe Standard Multi Domain SSL
Validation Type: Domain (DV)
Issuance: 3-4 minutes
Reissue: Unlimited
Warranty: 10,000$
Site Seal: Static
Server Licensing: Unlimited

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